This week, I had the opportunity to speak to a beautiful soul, Jess Lambas, who happens to have a whole lot to say about motherhood, minimalism and mindset. There is something about those three words that doesn't seem to naturally work together. However, Jess explains how they not only work well together, but furthermore, are actually also empowered by each other.
Motherhood can be described as a space in time when selfless is daily known and without intention, life begins to simply pass you by. Thank goodness, this is not the case for our friend, Jess Lambas. Whether admitting it or not, she gets intention. Speaking openly to her desire and belief that everything should have a purpose and place, she demonstrates minimalism in all ways. From her home décor to her fashion sense, she is a minimalist in the best of ways. Furthermore, she not only likes less, but also tells us that when things surround her, and clutter abounds, it is her mindset that is mostly affected.
Clutter begins in the physical and remains in the mental, filling our lives and minds with things. This space can feel busy, look messy and for those desiring minimalism be very uncomfortable. Jess describes it as a space where she simply cannot function. The more things that begin to surround her, the more her mindset is clouded and her daily function halts.
Alongside her minimalistic values, lies her sustainability goals. Living simply has always been almost second nature for her. Even as a child she remembers enjoying thrifting. It was the documentary "True Cost" however, that really swung her into full sustainable buying practices. Once viewing this, and being educated on the atrocities within the garment/fashion industry, her practices took an even deeper dive. Now, not only was she spending less to live a minimalistic lifestyle, but she now was also asking the questions about products that she was consuming.
This can be a challenge for anyone, but especially a mom clothing two young boys. Navigating sizing, growth patterns, and style preferences are just a few of the periphery of categories a mom must base decisions on when it comes to their children's clothing. She mentions thrift and consignment shopping to be a number one go-to. However, when the clothes aren't there, it can be challenging. She also sews, and has taken on challenging garments like swimwear, to which I bow my hat to. Children's clothing is currently a challenge in the sustainable and fair space, but hopefully won't be always.
It can be appear daunting to tackle big things like minimalism, but Jess encourages us to simply take it one step at a time. As you take the little steps, they eventually become bigger steps. Don't worry about doing it all, she reminds us, but know that by digressing from consumerism ( buying to keep up with trends or fill a desire to have things) and adopting minimalism (buying what you need and making what you have last), a clearer, simpler mindset will be had. And with those simple step by step measures, motherhood, minimalism and mindset all come together.
For more on these topics and to hear from Jess Lambas, check out the podcast. She also shares tips on easy sewing for beginners and tantalizing stories surrounding vintage style. Click the podcast link on the home page.
Jenny Wiglesworth
Sustainable + Fair