It wasn't long ago that consignment was the furthest thing to mind when it came to shopping fashionable looks. Thoughts of used, possibly odorous clothing, once inhabited by a stranger, were the disgusting images emanating in my mind. Hand-picking through random one-offs, stuffed together, in what was all too often a crowded little shop, never appealed to me. However, the more that I dove into shopping sustainably, the less I could look away from consignment being a huge part of this fashion experience.
Consignment shops provide a solution to sustainable fashion in a periphery of ways. For the traditional consumer, it provides a space to recycle current looks/fashions. (Most of these stemming from trend-focused pieces or a person's change in style/size.) And, for the sustainable shopper, it provides an ample amount of "new" items to now be shopped.
Although definitely creating sustainable solutions, I remained doubtful over the selections available in these shops. Habitually engrained with the traditional shopping experiences, I pondered over what these ever-changing shops could have to offer. Would my style have to suffer to be sustainable?
Years ago, shopping sustainable consignment pretty much meant going to thrift-stores like Goodwill. (Which, by the way, I have surprisingly found some great looks once I was open-minded to the idea of finding them there.) Thankfully, that no longer is the case. Today, large warehouse-like shops with rows of one-offs are not the only option. In fact, consignment surprisingly competes with the best of traditional, high-end boutiques.
Recently, I made it a mission to discover what is out there in terms of sustainable, higher-end consignment. Shockingly, I stumbled upon some amazing shops that not only gave me the sustainable goods I was seeking, but also the desirable shopping experience I've come to love. Clean lines, curated collections, monochromatically-hung pieces and much more was found in these shops. Two favorite, PNW shops I discovered are Beau-Monde Luxe and Azalea of Sandpoint. These both offer a luxurious feel, without the burden (both monetary and sustainably).
Although I would have once shied away from consignment, I now embrace it with full force. It provides an outlet to shop and be sustainable, all in one affordable experience. Happy consigning!