The truth about what is going on with fashion
There is something about buying a new look that just feels special. It‘s rewarding to see the colors, the way it fits on the body and the feeling of simply having something new.
I have always relished in the entire experience. From seeing something fabulous online or in-store, to seeing it put together on myself. I relish in it all.
Despite my love for fashion and all its experiences, my love for people surpasses all. I always understood that there were “horrible” acts occurring within the fashion industry, but without them being exposed in mainstream media they seem to disappear. In fact, many would ask, are there really atrocities happening in the fashion industry? To this, we must echo voices unheard and say, YES!
I recently read the book “Overdressed, which exposes the fashion industry for what it is and what it is not. The truth of the matter lays in the facts. Garment workers, worldwide, continue to be objectified, pushed to produce and given less than a Liveable wage. Most workers, in China, work for less than $150 a month. In Bangladesh, It’s more like $27. That’s right - $27-150 a month! Many of these workers are women and children, who are continually objectified and treated as trash, all in the name of fashion.
After reading this, I began to look at fashion in a whole new way. If buying a new look meant contributing to these ‘acts’ mentioned above, I could not have anything to do with purchasing garments. Fortunately, there is another way.
Fashion designers and the industry overall are beginning to take notice, thanks to the end consumer. Liveable wages are becoming non-negotiables for many. Refreshingly, this group is growing thanks to consumers who are checking labels and creating changes.
That’s just it - everything begins by simply adjusting buying habits. Looking at the label is a great place to start. Supporting businesses that ”stamp“ themselves ’fair trade’ is another. All of these little changes add up to really big changes, especially for those affected by the fashion industry.
All in all, I’m thankful that I do not have to give up on fashion. Fair trade fashion is available and growing, and represents the way that I can continue to buy my new looks and feel great about it, too.
Sustainable + Fair